Fantasy Football League


The Rules

Hi again!

Further to our previous email inviting entries to the upcoming new season's Fantasy Football competition, we are pleased to confirm that we have received answers from almost all previous team managers and we will be able to run the competition again so thank you for your prompt replies.

The rules of the competition remain the same.....the player values and our points scoring system will be based on the Daily Telegraph's which you will find online. The total value of your eleven players must not exceed £50m, you may choose to enter as many teams as you like at a fee of £2 per team and all monies received will be divided amongst the winning team managers via the prize pot at the end of the season. Details of the individual prize amounts will be advised once we know the total number of teams entered

If you wish to select your team(s) on the Daily Telegraph page where all the players and their current values are listed and then send a screenshot of your selections then that is probably the easiest way and a lot of you have used that method previously. Don't forget to give each team a name please.

The closing time and date for entries is 7 p.m. on Friday, 11th August (just prior to the start of the first Premiership game).

Good luck everyone and, if you have any questions about the competition, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Same Old (actually older!) Management